School Uniform

 WPS Uniform Policy 22.07.22

In Key Stage 2 children get the opportunity to go swimming with school. They require the following-

  • Towel
  • Swimming Costume
  • Separate Bag

Please can we also request that the bag children use to bring their belongings to school is of a reasonable size, our cloakroom areas are small and large bags make movement in and around them difficult.

Finally please name every item of clothing and footwear - it really does help us to reunite items with owners!

Thank you for your support.

Our online ordering service is now ready for you to view using the link below:

Click to download our supplier School Trends

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We grow together, we learn together, we achieve together.

School Uniform

 WPS Uniform Policy 22.07.22

In Key Stage 2 children get the opportunity to go swimming with school. They require the following-

  • Towel
  • Swimming Costume
  • Separate Bag

Please can we also request that the bag children use to bring their belongings to school is of a reasonable size, our cloakroom areas are small and large bags make movement in and around them difficult.

Finally please name every item of clothing and footwear - it really does help us to reunite items with owners!

Thank you for your support.

Our online ordering service is now ready for you to view using the link below:

Click to download our supplier School Trends

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Motto - image 1
Motto - image 2

We grow together, we learn together, we achieve together.